every breath a bead in an endless strand
"I'm not sure about all this, but I'm starting to get the hang of it."
A refreshing take on Zionism And Did Those Feet i...
When You are Old by William Butler Yeats When y...
You have at your fingertips the ability to talk
Sonnets from the Portuguese, XIII And wilt thou h...
She Walks In Beauty She walks in beauty, like th...
WHy War? What War? How? War? WHERE? . . . WHen?. . .
Seamus Heaney, from "Electric Light"
"Light came from the east," he sang,
"Bright guarantee of God, and the waves went quiet.
I could see headlands and buffeted cliffs.
Often, for marked courage, fate spares the man
It has not marked already."
And when their objection was reported to him --
That he had gone to bits and was leaving them
Nothing to hold on to, his first and last lines
Neither here nor there ?
"Since when," he asked,
"Are the first line and the last line of any poem
Where the poem begins and ends?"