every breath a bead in an endless strand
"I'm not sure about all this, but I'm starting to get the hang of it."
I shakespeares-sonnets.com From fairest creatur...
Becoming in Black (after Ghalib) by William Dennis...
Imagine now and sing, creating myths forming jewel...
I said I shall tell the tale of my heart as best a...
I said I shall tell the tale of my heart as best a...
Fabled by the daughters of memory... Finnegans Web...
This book is the last flicker of the flame which I...
William Blake To Thomas Butts To my friend Butts ...
Childhood's Appointment — Franz Wright I am blin...
Letter — Franz Wright January 1998 I am not ac...
I see my beauty in you. I become
a mirror that cannot close its eyes
to your longing. My eyes wet with
yours in the early light. My mind
every moment giving birth, always
conceiving, always in the ninth
month, always the come-point. How
do I stand this? We become these
words we say, a wailing sound moving
out into the air. These thousands of
worlds that rise from nowhere, how
does your face contain them? I'm
a fly in your honey, then closer, a
moth caught in flame's allure, then
empty sky stretched out in homage.
- Jelaluddin Rumi
The Glance Songs of Soul-Meeting